Thursday, September 3, 2009

Taylor Dent Makes Major Return

Taylor Dent returned to win a match in a major for the first time in four years, beating Feliciano Lopez in four sets. After three back surgeries and an entire year passed in bed for 23 hours a day, he came back to world-class tennis.

During the layoff, he tried to earn a real-estate license, studied religion and politics, became a champion at World of Aircraft video game. Against Lopez, despite a modified service movement, he realized 18 aces. And, despite a passion for "vintage style" tennis, he didn't alter his serve-and-volley style with 39 point at the net out of 58 attempts.

Now, to refresh your memory, the highlights of his memorable 4th round against Roger Federer in Miami this year.

(Continue to ATP Tennis 360)
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